
Friday, April 2, 2010

final report( ingt nasi kandq mau dpt)


This study was carried out to determine the teenagers’ awareness or the concern about their life that are away from the path of Islam. This study also determine about the teenagers perception towards Islam Rules and also asking for their own opinion of solution in solving this issues. There are about 100 respondents from the teenagers that have been chosen and one person from the teenagers will be interviewed. The number of question in the questionnaire is about 13 questions per set. The questionnaire were distributed to discover the information about the teenagers life as a Muslim and to determine about their perception toward Islam. After the questionnaire had been distributed and the interview session was go on smoothly, this study gained overall findings. The findings of this study shows that the teenagers know their responsibility towards Islam, they also worried about their self and they willing to give ad advise to their friends out there and they also willing to give a solution in figure out how to solve this problem or issues. On the other hand, some teenagers said that there want to enjoy but Islam had forbidden them from doing it and because of that they will feel stress. As a conclusion, there is still a solution that needs to be done from other Muslims people in solving this issues because it is important for the future of our life our next generation. The teenagers can change if there is someone willing to guide them in turning their life as Muslims teenagers.

Firstly, I would like to say Alhamdulillah to Allah for giving me strength in order to complete this study of task on time. He had guided me in managing my time to for this task. I am so thankful to my family in supporting me for doing this task and also help me in financial. I will also thankful to my friends for giving me a lot of idea in order to create a systematic report for this study. Finally, I am so thankful to my lecture for giving me the opportunity in doing this task. She guides me until the end of this task to make sure that I am not doing the wrong thing. She also consults me and gives me her brilliant idea so my report will be more organize.

Fadhil Bin Abdul Manaff
IDI 08-01-007
Diploma In English Communication

Table Of Content
Table Of Content Page
Abstract 1
Acknowledgement 2
Table of Content 3
Introduction 4-6
Literature Riview 7
Methodology 8
Finding and Dicussion 9-21
Conclusion 22
Recommendation 22
Bibliography 22
Appendix 23-125

1.0 Introduction
1.1. Background of study
Nowadays, as you can see, Muslim teenagers do not look like Muslim anymore because the way they live in their daily life does not show that they are Muslim. For example they did not completed the five of Islam principle such as pray five times a day, they did not fasting in Ramadhan and else. They feel it is like a burden for them to do it. Parents should be more serious in teaching their children as Muslim teenagers. Islam asks the parents to punish their children if they did not want to pray but their children must be in age 10 year old. This is because to make sure that their children know when to pray and it will make them frightened from not praying.
Majority of the teenagers know a lot about Islam but they did not want to practise it in their daily life because of lazy and they always busy in enjoying and working or studying. There is an article said that the teenagers will lost seriously if the other Muslims only concentrate on their life without remembering the teenagers about their mistake. Rasulullah always remind us in guiding other Muslims because Islam is for everyone not just for a person.
Social life and less of religion information is the problem of this issue. Majority of the teenager’s way to have a social life because they were influence by their friend, media and western fashion and trend. This social life must be stop before it become more serious because teenagers nowadays were involve in free sex, taking drugs and other social things. For your information, this social life occurs among the teenagers because of lack in religion knowledge and there were no volunteer want to remind the teenagers. Once, Rasulullah tell a story to his friend (Sahabat). The story is about, Allah ordered Jibril to destroy a village (Bani Israel) because of their life were not like Muslims. Then, Jibril went to the village to destroy the village but suddenly Jibril saw a person were praying to Allah. Jibril immediately went straight to ask Allah about it. Allah said; destroy the person first because Islam is not just for him but for everyone. From the story, we as Muslims must remind the teenagers before it too late.

1.2 Statement of problem

Many teenagers nowadays are almost splited away from their right path when they simply forget about the rules and regulations that have been taught in Islam. For example the teenagers especially girls don’t cover their aurat and do not wear a proper clothes that has been asked by religion, same goes to the boys especially when they follow the girls’ attire and accessory.

This is one of the consequences from social life. Nowadays, the teenagers were often forgetting the regulations that have been taught in Islam. Let focus on the girls teenager, they enjoy wearing a tight shirt and jeans. Sometimes the jeans they wear were to short until other people can see their back side. Moreover, the t-shirt they wear were also tight and it is a see trough t-shirt. According to Dato’ Dr. Fazilah Kamsah he said that “the teenagers should be remind early for their own good”. He also said that “Malaysian Islamic Association should take part in this problem. Therefore, to prevent this problem the government should create a limit in toward western fashion in Malaysia. The teenagers must realize that that their dignity is at stake.
1.3 Purpose of the study
The purpose of this project is to define the problems why the Muslim teenagers do not act as a Muslims and to find out a solution for the problem. These teenagers live in a very social life because they are following the western style of life and their parents did not care about their children life at all. So, Muslims must do something to help these poor teenagers because they will regret it soon.

1.4 Objective of the study
• To inform students on awareness of their away from Islam path
• To study on problem about the teenagers life
• To find out a solution about this issues
1.5 Research Question
• What is the important of Islam in our life?
• Do all teenagers obey the rules of our religion?
1.6 Significant of Study
The implications of this study are this research will tentatively help the Muslim teenagers to change their life in the right way as a Muslim. Perhaps, teenagers will take the positive way to change their life as a Muslim. The finding regarding to the topic will help the teenagers to realize about their mistake and will make them be more serious in obeying the Islamic rules. This is because; the questionnaire that has distributed will help the teenagers towards giving the best result for this topic. This study will also be as reminder to the others especially parents and teachers.

1.7 Scope of the Study
This research is focusing on all Muslim people either in college or outside the college. The respondents chosen are student in college, lecturer, ustaz or ustazah and other Muslim people in Kuantan, Pahang.

2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Definition of Study
Nowadays, as you can see, Muslim teenagers do not look like Muslim anymore because the way they live in their daily life does not show that they are Muslim. For example they did not completed the five of Islam principle such as pray five times a day, they did not fasting in Ramadhan and else. They feel it is like a burden for them to do it. Parents should be more serious in teaching their children as Muslim teenagers. Islam asks the parents to punish their children if they did not want to pray but their children must be in age 10 year old. This is because to make sure that their children know when to pray and it will make them frightened from not praying.
2.2 Introduction of Study

Many teenagers nowadays are almost splited away from their right path when they simply forget about the rules and regulations that have been taught in Islam. For example the teenagers especially girls don’t cover their aurat and do not wear a proper clothes that has been asked by religion, same goes to the boys especially when they follow the girls’ attire and accessory.

3.0 Methodology for Data Collection
3.1 Sample of Study
Refer to the appendix
3.2 Research Instrument
This study applied the valuable research methodology. The only way that has been used to collect data was questionnaire. The question for each questionnaire was 13 questions per set have been creating based on the idea. Different question type had been used such as open-ended and yes- no questions. This question had been handed to 100 respondents in Mara Professional College and outsiders.
3.3 Respondent of the Study
This study will be conduct for students in Mara Professional College and teenagers outsiders which involve both genders. This to shows that this study is all Muslims teenager. In order to gain an effectiveness of the date, the questionnaire will majority be answer by the semester 5 and 4 students and for outsider it will be answer by older teenagers. This is because to ensure the date will look more effective.
3.4 Procedures
The questionnaire were distributed to a different location such as cafeteria, hostel, class, shopping complex and else. Letter of consent had been attach in order confirm the permission from the respondent to answer the questionnaire.

4.0 Findings and Discussion
4.1 Result of Finding and Data Collection


The chart above show the percentage of respondent by has been answering this questionnaire. The study has chose both gender because this research is not only aim to male students but also female students as it is the best way to collect data through different perspective. Both of the gender has a different style of life. They have their own social life such as male often takes drug, fighting, drunk and something vandalism. In the other hand, the female were often wear a sexy clothes, free sex, and else but related with Islam.


The purpose for asking this question is because to ensure about the teenagers understanding towards the meaning of Islam in their life. Islam has a lot of meaning because in Arabic language Islam is “Syumul”. Majority of the teenagers answer Islam is a religion that had been sent by a prophet and it came from one god. The answer is mainly taken from the meaning our Kalimah Syahadah. While there about 4% of the teenagers answering the question by saying that Islam is a religion that control our life and lastly there a teenagers answer Islam is a religion does have any important meaning and this teenagers are seriously away from the path of Islam and having unlimited social life. As a result, the teenagers knows the meaning of Islam because they the knowledge of Islam in their life and it had been tought seen they were in primary school. This study have found that the teenagers can easily be change because if the knowledge. For the teenager that answering Islam has no important meaning, other Muslims must do something it getting wild, pity of the teenager.


This question has been created because to determine whether the teenagers set in their mind that Islam is important in their life. If the teenagers know the meaning of Islam, they should consider Islam is important in their life. The char part, majority of the teenagers said that Islam guides teenagers to the right path. It is about 9% of the teenagers said that Islam provides knowledge to the teenagers and 6% said that Islam is as a reference to the teenagers. There is a teenager said Islam is a religion that is forbid us from doing sin and Islam also has the perfect rules in handling all Muslims. If the teenagers know the important of Islam in their life, they will obey the rules of Islam but why are they still away from the path of Islam. This is because they did not practice the Islamic rules in their life and they have set in their mind that they want to enjoy and at the end of their age (old) they will start doing the Islamic rules. This is very dangerous for the teenagers because death is just beneath their own foot or legs.


Do you think that the Islamic rules are burdening thing to do in your daily life is a question that necessitated the teenagers daily schedule. This is because; if the teenagers saying that it is not the burdening thing they will have a preparation on their daily schedule. Therefore, majority of the teenagers said that no, Islamic rules is not a burdening thing and this shows that Islam is important in their life. It is about 2% of the teenagers said yes and 17% said sometimes. As a result, the teenagers know their responsibility in performing their life as a Muslims. For the teenagers who said that it is burdening thing and it does not matter whether sometimes or not, the teenager must change their life daily life schedule or throw away their bad habits so they will not feel any burden when doing the Islamic rules. The other reason why it is a burdening for the teenagers is they were rarely in practising the Islamic rules in their life and it can be said that maybe their parents were also just like them. In a nut shell, there must be a lot of practising in the teenagers’ life so they will feel glad to obey the Islamic rules.

4.1.5 Give reasons to support your answer above.

This is to determine whether the teenagers were serious in answering this question and answer it with a purpose and the purpose is try to make themselves realize about their own mistake. The teenagers give a lot kind of reasons and some of the teenagers said that they have no ideas, means they have no purpose in answering this questionnaire. Most of the teenagers said the reason why they said Islam is not a burdening this is because Islam guide them to the right path, in our daily days we should pray because it prevent us from stress and do the bad things and with the prayer it can make our life perfect, Islam has its own reason by prohibiting us in doing something which is actually good for us, sometime Islam forbid them from doing something they want such as social life without boundaries and sometime they feel lazy to obey the rules of Islam such praying 5 times a day and fasting. There were also a reason said that the teenagers were too lazy and the best reason for this question is because Islam is our religion and the rule of Islam can avoid us from going to hell. The rules in Islam is beautiful and it can be feel by whom who love Islam with their truly and honest heart. Islam is an easy religion but do not take it easy in Islam. This question can make them feel that they have their own responsibility that still not being done by their own self. The teenagers had realized their mistake by answering this questionnaire.


This question will show the truth whether the teenagers set practicing the Islamic rules in their life. This is because if the teenagers said that Islam is burdening thing and Islam guides them to the right path, they should have been practicing the Islamic rules in their life. Majority of the students said that sometimes they will practice the Islamic rules in their life while it is about 22% of the teenagers said yes; they practice the Islamic rules in their daily life. It is about 21% show that the teenagers are seriously away from the path of Islam because their answer is they did not practice the Islamic rules at all. These teenagers must be remind and must be consult for their own good. If they did not practice it in their life, it will make them feel that Islamic rules is a burdening thing to them and they will not change at all, they also will not feel the feelings of love from Allah and the feelings of calm in praying and happiness in life.


This question is to determine the weakness of the teenagers in practising the rules. This is because if they said that the Islamic rules are a burdening thing for them to do and in meantime they also will face a problem in practising the rules in their life. For example, they did not know how to recite Quran, how to take the ablutions (wuduk), how to pray (niat) and other thing that is known as a problem to the teenagers. In addition, there is a teenagers did know how said the Kalimah Syahadah. This is very serious and other Muslims should react now before it too late. From the char part, the majority of the teenagers said that sometimes the face the problem in practising the rules, 19% said no and 15% of the teenagers said yes, they face the problem in practising the rules. The teenagers must keep practising because the problem will vanish one day but they must try hard and do the best.


This question determines the teenagers’ perception towards their self in order to make sure that they will obey the Islamic rules. It is about 91% of the teenagers said they were agree that they should be punish for not obeying the Islamic rules and it is about 9% of the teenagers said they did not agree for the punishment. This means they want other things to make them realize about their mistake than punishment. Punishment will make them realize but just for a while not for a long time. The teenagers also said that there is a lot of other ways in order to make them realize than doing this punishment.

4.1.9 As a Muslim teenager, do you think the punishments can make you and other teenager realize about your responsibility towards Islam? Why?
This question were to determine about their perception whether they agree with the question. Majority of them agree with the question because they said that the punishment will make them realize about their mistake and it will make them change, they should be glad that they were punish in this world but not in front Allah because the punishment in judgment day is more painful, brutal and agony, punishment can show them that they have their own responsibility towards Islam and they said the punishment will make them afraid in order to repeat the mistake again. There were also a teenager said that Malaysia should apply the Hukum Hudud, this shown that they were really care about their life and they need something to make they realize and they need something to guide them. There are a few number of the teenagers did not agree with the question. They said that realization does not come by force and punishment must be change to advice or make a campaign. This is because it is about the inner side of someone, so they think it must be other way to guide and to remind them. They also said that Islam cannot force them to obey. This one of the problem because they did understand with the statement Islam is not a force religion. The statement mean Islam did not force other people in other religion to convert them self in to Islam but if you are a Muslim, you will be force by Islam to obey it.


This question were also try to determine the teenagers perception whether they agree or not if they were send to the counsellor for consultation. Majority of them said they agree with it and it is about 44% of the teenagers was strongly agreed and this shows that they need someone in their life to guide them in order to obey the Islamic rules. It is about 5% of the teenagers said that they did not agree with the question and 2% said that they were strongly disagree with the statement. This shown that they need something else to guide them besides sending them to the counsellor. However, in order to make them realize and to guide them, the teenagers must be send to the counsellor and insyaallah they will change.

4.1.1 By sending to the counselor, do you think that the teenagers will realize about their mistake? Why?

According to the question, the teenagers will give their opinion about the question. Majority of the teenagers said no because they were too stubborn and Iman is about the inner site of a person, no because counselor also doing mistake (sin) in his or her life, so they must change their life before they consult the teenagers, no counselor did not give them “hidayah”, only Allah give them ‘ Hidayah” and there is a number of the teenagers were agree with the question. They said that they agree with the question because they will feel ashamed of their self and from that feeling they will change, they need someone to care about them and they will feel ashamed for their self because of not doing the Islamic rules. The teenagers also said that the counsellor can give an advice to them and from the advice they will start to think about their responsibility and think about their mistake. Therefore, from this question, it can be seen that the teenagers want to change their life but they need someone to guide them, they need someone to be with them until they were in the right path. They also feel worried about their self and this means they still have faith to Allah. Other Muslims should do something to help these teenagers before they became worst.

4.1.2 What is your advice to your friend out there when they did not obey Islam’s rules?

This question show that the teenager still love and worried about their friends out there for not obeying Islamic rules. They give and advise with an honest heart. They said to their friend out there that life is short, so always remember death and remember that we will be judge soon, please obey the rules of Islam because hell( jahanam) are waiting for us, they must make sure that whatever they do they must remember that Allah is watching and must prove that Islam is the best of the best, the happiness in this world would not last longer but the happiness in the other world( heaven) will last forever, remember that the world punishment is nothing. It is just impermanent but in judgment day (akhirat) it will be more painful, and think about the purpose you were here in this short life. They also said to their out there to start to do the Islamic rules from now, and insyaallah they can slowly do it without any burdening feelings. They ask to their fried to remember the purpose in living in this dwell world as a Muslim. Hence, these teenagers were also worried about others and they want their friends to change their life with them. There is number of the teenagers said that they have no right to give an advice to their friend because they were also the same but after being remind about their responsibility, they give their advice to other friends out there by asking them to start to ask a forgiveness from Allah.

4.1.3 As a teenager, do you have any solution to avoid this problem?

This study were also asking the teenagers opinion in giving their solution towards helping them self to change their life as a Muslims teenager. They had given a brilliant solution and other Muslims should start doing it. The teenagers said that parents should be more serious in teaching their children especially about religion; government should apply for Hukum Hudud, remind them and never give in reminding, should have more Islamic classes and make sure that dakwah is around the world; government must be more serious in religion than politics, always remember Allah and remember death. The teenager said that parents should be more serious in teaching their children especially about religion; this means that their parents were not care about them and their parents’ maybe busy with other things than reminding them to obey they Islamic rules, “it’s all depend on parents when teaching their children since young about Islam and how to be a good Muslim”. They were blaming their own parents for not too serious teaching them about Islam. The reasons why the teenagers said that remember death because if they always remember to death, they will feel frightened for obeying the Islamic rules in their life. Our prophet also said that the cleverest person is a person who remembers death.

5.0 Conclusion
This study is a finding on the teenagers that are away from the path of Islam. From the findings, the result shows that majority of the teenagers were worried about their self and they want to change, some teenagers feel that they were control from having fun and social life, a few teenagers were not worried about their away path from Islam, teenagers need to be guided from certain organization such as Jabatan Agama Islam and other organization that in charge about Islam.
6.0 Recommendation
Through this study, it shows that the teenagers want to change their life to be a true Muslims teenager. There are few ideas or suggestion can be used by the teenagers to change their life.
• The government should consult them in reminding their mistake.
• The punishment should be done to them because it will make them realize about their mistake and it also can make them start to obey with the rules of Islam.
• Majority of them understand the meaning from the word Islam and most of them said that Islamic rules are not a burden thing to obey.
• Most of them know the important of Islam in their life as a teenager.

7.0 Bibliography
Al- Hadith and Al-Quran

8.0 Appendix

Diploma in English Communication
Research and Presentation
ENG 4423

Muslim teenagers are lost from the path of Islam

The purpose of this project is to define the problems why the Muslim teenagers do not act as a Muslims and to find out a solution for the problem. These teenagers live in a very social life because they are following the western style of life and their parent does not care about their children life at all. So, Muslims must do something to help these poor teenagers because they will regret it soon. The data will be kept confidential. Please return this questionnaire to Fadhil Bin Abdul Manaff

Please complete the question below to indicate your question.
1. Gender :______ Male ______ Female

2. As a teenager, what do you understand from the word Islam?
A. Is a religion that control our life
B. Is a word without any important meaning
C. A religion that had been sent by a prophet and it came from one God.
D. Other (______________________________________________)
3. What is the important of Islam in your life as teenagers?
A. Islam guides teenagers to the right path
B. Islam provides knowledge to the teenagers
C. As a reference to the teenagers
D. Other (______________________________________________)

4. As a teenager, do you think the Islamic rules are a burdening thing to do in your daily life?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Sometimes

5. Give reason to support your answer above?
6. In your opinion, do the teenagers practice the Islamic rules in their daily life include your self?
A. Yes
B. Not at all
C. Sometime
D. Other
E. ( _________________________________)
7. Do you face any problem in practicing the rules in your life?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Sometime
D. Other
E. ( _______________________________)

8. Do you think that you as teenagers should be punished for not obeying the Islamic rules?
A. Yes
B. No

9. As a Muslim teenager, do you think the punishments can make you and other teenager realize about your responsibility towards Islam? Why?

10. Do you agree if the government take the teenagers including your self for counseling if you do something against Islam rules.
A. Strongly Agree
B. Agree
C. Strongly Disagree
D. Disagree

11. By sending to the counselor, do you think that the teenagers will realize about their mistake? Why?
A. Yes (_____________________________________)
B. No (_____________________________________)
12. What is your advice to your friend out there when they did not obey Islam’s rules?
13. As a teenager, do you have any solution to avoid this problem?

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